10 Tips that you can do for your business and yourself during lockdown…
Update your website Go through your website and check that your copy still relates to your customers. Do you have a call to offer? Have you updated how to contact you, especially if they cannot visit your premises?
Miss networking? you can still network online. Join a group with like minded people on facebook - read the rules and help others solve problems that your business is good at. You never know you might make some friends and possibly new clients.
How to attract your ideal customers using brand strategy…
You probably know your brand inside out and understand why it would appeal to someone like you. But do you understand why it appeals to others? This is where brand strategy comes in. But exactly what is a brand strategy, and why does it matter?
Content Marketing - What do you really need?
Rhett Deighton, WRITER / DIRECTOR / PRODUCER gives us advice on digital content marketing.
Will you lose customers if you niche?
Over the past 5 years, I have really noticed a shift with the businesses that we have worked with and how much more successful they are when they niche down and really know who they are as a brand and exactly the type of people they are targeting. Some of the big brands in my opinion, that do this well are: Nike, Country Road, Apple, Lush & Ikea.
How Covid has changed the way we run our business now?
Due to Covid, there has been a significant trend for businesses having to adapt online.
In my experience with our clients over the past 7 months since Covid started in Australia, we have increased our website and digital marketing service by 110% compared to the same time last year.
A lot of business owners have struggled to maintain sales and have never needed to have a website or digital presence before. They feel completely overwhelmed and lost, they realise they have to adapt but don’t know where to start.